We're excited to have you as part of our Mary Helen Guest Elementary family!
At Mary Helen Guest Elementary, our strongest asset is the partnership between our families and staff. We encourage all parents to take an active role in this partnership. The first step in establishing and maintaining a positive and meaningful relationship with the school is to stay connected.
Our PTA is second to none! You can learn more about getting involved on the Mary Helen Guest Elementary PTA website.
Arrival and Dismissal Procedures
As you know, we are firmly committed to student safety, and we regularly review our procedures and practices.
Essentially, students fall into one of the three categories for their transportation needs:
- Walkers
- Wildcat Pickup/Office Pickup
- Bus Riders
Parent drop-off
If you are driving your student to school in the morning, please use our drop-off & pickup loop located at the main north entrance (by the office) of the building. Pull as far forward as possible to keep the traffic flow moving. Students should be ready with their belongings to exit the vehicle and should exit only from the passenger side. Never allow children to exit on the driver’s side; they will be in the path of parking lot traffic. Please be aware of any traffic back-ups. After drop-off, we ask that you turn right to keep the traffic moving. Staff will be outside to assist.
Bus Rider
Students riding the bus will be dropped off in the bus loop and allowed off the bus just before the first bell. Students getting breakfast will be allowed off the bus a minute or two earlier. PLEASE NOTE: Please refer to the district’s transportation hot-line (248-956-5199) for information regarding any late buses.
First Bell: The first bell rings at 8:50 a.m. At that time students will enter the building. Students opting for breakfast will go directly to the cafeteria.
Second Bell: The second bell rings at 8:55 a.m. Students should be in their classrooms and/or getting breakfast. Our school doors lock at 9:00 a.m. After that, use the buzzer to gain access to the building.
Walkers use the doors closest to the playground, located in the rear of the school by our Kindergarten classrooms.
The end of the day bell rings at 4:02 p.m. We begin our dismissal process, beginning at 3:45.
Only those students who live within a mile of the school and are not assigned a bus are allowed to walk. When leaving school property with or without adult support, families do not have to sign out at the office at the end of the day. Walkers are also eligible for Wildcat Pickup. Walkers meeting a family member or other walker should meet under the awning by the main north entrance. The Walker door is located near the Kindergarten classrooms, also known as the 'recess doors.'
Wildcat Pickup
All Wildcat Pickup families will have a number issued for the 2024-2025 school year. Students will have a number attached to their backpack that matches the number on the family car. If your family fits the criteria for Wildcat Pickup, an application must be filled out. Applications are part of our online registration process. Applications can also be requested by calling the office or sending in a note. For questions regarding Wildcat Pickup, please call our office at 248-956-3300.
Number signs should be visible in the passenger window. If you do not have a sign, please park and come to the office to sign your student out. Students will load only from the passenger side. Staff and student safeties will be outside to assist.
***Parents that need a Wildcat Pickup tag should complete the Wildcat Pickup form. You will then receive a Wildcat Pickup car tag, and a matching backpack tag for your child. Once you complete the form, we take care of the rest!***
Prime Time Care
Students who attend Prime Time Care, our before and after school program, will be dismissed at the same time as walkers and office pick-up. Information and an application can be found on the WLCSD website or in the Guest office.
Occasional car pick-up
If parents need to pick up due to an appointment or change in schedule/routine and are not registered for Wildcat Pickup, they follow the practices below:
- Send a note to the teacher (and Prime Time if applicable).
- Discuss any dismissal changes with your student
- Early appointment pickup – Park and come to the office to sign your student. The secretary will call him/her down to the office.
- Appointment pickup at the end of the day - Park and come to the office to sign your student. Inform the secretary, who will alert the teacher.
- Due to the number of students exiting by the main doors, we want to avoid any congestion to provide a safe and efficient dismissal. We thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Bus Riders
Students who ride the bus will be dismissed by bus number and will use the south-end doors.
Important Information for Families
If you are picking up your student before the end of the day, for your child’s safety, please follow the steps below for an efficient pick up:
- Call the office when you are about 5 minutes away from school – we will do our best to have your student ready for you in the office.
- When you arrive at school, please come up to the door with your identification and ring the bell to the right of the door – we will let you in the lobby.
- Please sign your student out on the clipboard in the lobby and present your identification.
***The office secretaries are extremely busy at the end of the day, from 3:30-4:00 p.m. If you have a message you need to send your child or a change in dismissal plans, please call before 3:30 p.m.***
The front circular drive (bus loop) is closed to traffic except for buses during arrival and dismissal times.
Drop Off and Pick Up Loop Reminders
- Stay in the right lane and keep moving forward until your student(s) are loaded.
- Avoid letting your student exit the vehicle until you have entered the circle area (LOOP) where adults can assist; especially children in grades K-3.
- Do not get out of your car; adults will help open and close doors and assist your student.
- It is important that students get in and out of the vehicle on the passenger side.
- Please do not honk your horn because someone is taking too long. Parents are securing seat belts, etc. This honking of car horns causes panic. It does help if you pull as far forward as possible and then assist your student.
- Please help teach your children to secure their seat belts without assistance.
- Please show patience and be courteous.
- We ask that all parents refrain from using cell phones while students are walking in the parking lot.
- When traffic is getting backed up it is helpful if you make a RIGHT turn out of the school parking lot.
- Take turns entering and exiting.
- Drop-offs and pickups should ONLY occur at the main (north) entrance.
It is extremely important that you have a daily discussion with your student regarding dismissal plans. Thank you for your partnership. Your support will help us maintain orderly, organized procedures that will make a difference in ensuring our children are accounted for and safe during arrival and dismissal.